Brian Epstein: Genuine Interest in Others
I come from a small town. When I reflect on my upbringing, I often ask myself what is one thing that I learned from living in a small community? That thing that seems to help me in business and working with others? I believe, strongly, that it comes down to the fact that I have a genuine interest in others
Without question, I believe that the genuine interest that people have for others in a small town is transferrable to working in a small business. Generally, in a small town, people want to support other citizens and the community at large. People find a way to be collaborative with their neighbours and all the people that live and work in the community. Everyone realizes that if they support one another, the entire community benefits. People are happier and enjoy living in that community.
In the same manner, if you create a warm, friendly work environment, and people feel comfortable and welcome, colleagues will feel that support and have less stress. Therefore, when people have a genuine interest in other people, management and employees will feel more motivation at work. A good working environment is one where all personnel show interest in one another. Ultimately, I believe that when people are genuinely interested in one another, it will lead to success in business.
Find out more about how you can create a successful working environment with my help. Contact me today to learn more.