Promoting from Line Functions
We all know them – and most of us have worked them in some capacity. I remember working with sales professionals who have been promoted to be sales managers. They made great sales and brought in a lot of revenue for the company. However, they were not very successful in leading others. There are challenges in promoting from line functions.
Decision makers in organizations have often thought that the best way to motivate and retain staff is to promote from within. Senior managers tend to believe that if someone is effective in their line functions, they will be great leaders and motivate others to be as successful. However, this is not always the case.
The challenge is that people who do well in their role, whether they are in sales, marketing, finance, accounting or human resources are not necessarily successful in leadership and management roles. They do not necessarily have the skill-set or competency to lead other employees within the organization. This is not to say that they can’t learn these skills.
They can benefit from business coaches who will discuss strategies and leadership styles. Coaching provides perspective for new leaders. An effective coach can provide another perspective to newly promoted managers. They will be able to guide, question and challenge the thinking and behaviours of these managers. The result is stronger leaders which means happier employees.
To learn more about what a business coach can do for you, contact me today.