Need Help With Leadership Skills? Learn Emotional Intelligence
Developing your leadership skills has to do with many things – including Emotional Intelligence (E.I.). It’s no mystery. E.I. is a powerful tool and behaviour that will help you achieve business goals and improve your leadership skills.
Forbes Magazine calls E.I. ‘the ultimate soft skill’ in this article
As a business coach, I like to keep up with meaningful, relevant content. I also like to show clients how understanding and controlling your emotions can help you become an effective leader. In a high-pressure environment, leading and elevating involves managing people. This can sometimes involve emotions.
I like the Forbes piece. It confirms that companies seek out managers and leaders who have high levels of empathy and emotional control. Who are adept at building trust, motivated and able to inspire employee loyalty. Loyalty is essential for good productivity and results. Emotional intelligence inspires loyalty. This is one very important attribute that a good business coach can help you with. The ability to recognize, understand and control your emotions will help you manage your employees and enhance your leadership skills.
By relating better to other people’s feelings and behaviours, you can develop empathy and meet them where they are. That’s essential to great leadership, says the Forbes article. How do you actually measure the ROI on empathy, people skills and how we handle social relationships, as the EQ factor?
An article from workforce.com included the following:
“According to a research paper entitled EQ and the Bottom Line, ‘restaurants managed by managers with high emotional intelligence showed an annual profit growth of 22 percent versus an annual average growth of 15 percent for the same period.’
That’s not all. People with high EQ scores make $29,000 more on average each year than their counterparts with a lower EQ. One of the things that I like to do as a business coach is inspire clients with studies like these. They reflect potential, productivity and results. All the things a good business coach can help you with.
Ready to explore your Emotional Intelligence factor? Book a consultation with me today.